Welcome to the Officetrax® NEXUS web services development site. The purpose of this site is to provide companies, who perform repair and maintenance services for multi-site property owners who utilize Officetrax® Facility Management services, with the format and data structures necessary to build a bridge to link electronically via the internet, allowing the transfer of critical data and information between your company’s resident operational software system and your customer. The format is designed to allow your company to pull the data to your system at whatever intervals that you deem appropriate, we do however make recommendations with our instructions. Once you have completed the development of your bridge you are required to contact Officetrax Nexus Support and request a certification of your connectivity. You will be contacted within 48 business hours to arrange a convenient time. Upon successful testing, access will be given to your company to perform this process on a LIVE basis. Thank you for your interest in Officetrax® web services.
Latest Updates

GetFile: has been added to download a file
GetUpdates: the message block now contains full details of the message
GetUpdates: there is now a files block related to any files shared since last update

Functional Overview

Time Loop Functions( 10 minute intervals )
GetNewMessageList: pulls a list of unacknowledged messages
GetNewDispatchList: pulls a list of new service requests
GetNewRFPList: pulls a list of new requests for processing
GetUpdates: NEW pulls a group of combined updates for service requests, quotes, invoices, shared files and messages
GetFile: NEW pulls single file from the server

Daily Functions
GetChallengedInvoiceList: Pulls a list containing invoice information that was previously submitted but has been challenged by the approving manager
GetChallengedRFPList: Pulls a list containing RFP information that was previously submitted but has been challenged by the approving manager

On Demand Functions
AcceptDecline: used to accept or decline a new request for service
AcknowledgeMessageByID:used to acknowledge receipt of a message
AddImage:used to add an image to a service request, RFP or invoice DEPRECIATED use AddDocument
AddDocument:used to add a document/image to a service request, RFP or invoice
AddInvoice:used to submit an invoice related to a service request
AddNoChargeInvoice:used to add a no charge invoice to a service request
AddNote:used to add a note to a service request
AddRFP:used to submit an RFP (Quote)
ChangeEquipment:used to change the Equipment on a service request
ChangeETA:used to change the ETA on a service request
ChangePriority:used to change the status on a service request
ChangeProblem:used to change the status on a service request
ChangeStatus:used to change the status on a service request
CheckIn:used to check in ( time on) to a service request. Automatically changed the call status to “On Site”
CheckOut:used to check out (time off) a service request also updating the status of the service request.
GetDispatchByID:pulls single request for service information based on the passed IDDEPRECIATED full message is returned in GetUpdates
GetEquipmentList:pulls available equipment for the location and trade of a service request
GetMessageByID:pulls single message information based on the passed ID
GetMessageRecipientList:pulls a list of available message recipients for each customer with this option enabled.
GetProblemList:pulls available problems for the equipment and trade of a service request
GetResolutionCodeList:pulls available resolution codes for the equipment and trade of a service request
GetRFPByRefID:pulls single RFP (Quote) information based on the passed ID
GetRFPByVendorRFPNumber:pulls single RFP (Quote) information based on the previously submitted vendor reference number
ReassignCall:Reassigns a Dispatch to an approved Vendor.
SendMessage:send a message via Officetrax to anyone with responsibilities related to the passed ID.

Maintenance Functions
GetActivity: used to pull a list of web services activity
GetDispatchList: used to pull a list of all dispatched service request
GetOpenDispatchList: used to pull a list of all dispatched service request currently in an open status
GetPriorityList: used to pull a list of all priorities
GetStatusList: used to pull a list of available statuses